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February, Aquarius to Pisces by the Tropical Zodiac

Posts from February 2022

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-- Thu, 24 Feb 2022 21:08 --

Second Life screenshot, a dark moon rises in a blue sky.

Montague Island, Second Life.

-- Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:55 --

Morpheus and Iris, oil painting from 1811. Morpheus reclines at the bottom of the image, while Iris approaches on a cloud.

Pierre-Narcisse Guérin, Morpheus and Iris, 1811 (source: Wikimedia Commons).

-- Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:45 --

A poster reading: 'Saint Piran's Honey Festival'. 'Join us in celebrating the wonder of bees!' 'What do Beekeepers do?' 'Asian Hornet Threat'. 'Homemade Cakes'. 'Local Honey for Sale'. 'Display of all things bee related'. 'Honey Fraud'. 'Raffle'. There is a digital painting of a honeybee with a Saint Piran's flag on its butt.

I did the bee!

-- Sat, 12 Feb 2022 15:07 --

Cutaway illustration of a cruise ship passenger cabin.

Cutaway illustration of a cruise ship passenger cabin.

Brochure, Mediterranean Passenger Service Sailings and Rates, No. 8 April 1952, pp. 7-8 (source: Wikimedia Commons).

SS Independence “Penthouse Suite”, Gala Maiden Voyage of the Sun Liner Independence, Mediterranean Cruise Feb. 10, 1951 (source: Wikimedia Commons).

-- Fri, 11 Feb 2022 16:55 --

A signpost with multiple entries, the header reads: welcome to Torte, enjoy your stay, relaxation and leisure. The other signs include one pointing to Henry's Hotel, one to shopping, one to the Milk-ee pirate-theme waterfront bar.

A person in a dinosaur costume sits at a diner-style table, behind them on the wall are piratical paintings.

Close-up of a framed picture. A woman pirate, sitting, left arm akimbo, a gun in her right hand.

Close-up of a framed painting. A Spanish galleon, flying flags and firing cannon.

Torte tourism signage plus pirate bar bits and pieces.

Judge Magazine Cover, 23 June 1917 (source: Wikimedia Commons).

Cornelis Verbeeck, A Naval Encounter between Dutch and Spanish Warships (detail), C16th, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. (source: Wikimedia Commons).

-- Thu, 10 Feb 2022 17:48 --

Since forever, this site has been horribly horribly broken on mobile. I think I have fixed it, finally. Perhaps! Everything should squish pleasingly on a small screen or narrow browser. Perhaps! All boxes are percentage widths now, ugh, what a pain.

Drawing of two people, one in a summer dress, the  other in glasses and a stripey t-shirt. In the bottom-right corner, there are two red flip phones; one open, the other closed.

I have only tested on Firefox on a Xperia Z3 Compact (720x1280px) and a Galaxy Folder 2 (480x800px), so it could still be horribly horribly broken on everything else, just in a new and exciting way...

-- Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:17 --

In the distance is a medieval fantasy city crowned by three enormously tall towers. One of the towers in ruins and leaning dangerously. In the sky above the city is a dragon-thing, breathing out clouds into the sky. In the centre of the image is a roundel within which is an elderly man holding two eggs.

A page of comic panels. 1: A cityscape, in the foreground is a green field and a pink blob. 2: A person drinking a milkshake. 3: The pink blob opens up to reveal a classrom, 'welcome' is written on the blackboard. Text: 'That sticky void...' 3: A close-up of the teacher, they look quite insane. Text: '...into that sticky void...' 4: A close-up of a fish in a frying pan. 5: The milkshake person is frying the fish. 6: A goat-creature with a mask trots along. Someone out-of-frame remarks, 'my my, what a prize!'

A page of comic panels. 1: A skeleton in a black cloak and an aroured knight, behind them rises a medieval city with enormous towers. The knight says, 'for the Ancient Kingdom.' 2: The skeleton brings the goat-creature to a princess. 3: She says, 'beauty.' 4-6: The skeleton conjures a red-pink blob. 7: The milkshake person is strolling about some ruins. The medieval city is in the distance. They say, 'while wandering the castle grounds, I discovered the rot has spread further.' 8: They continue, 'a dangerous place to roam.'

A page of comic panels. 1: A battle is raging between many giant squid and an army of dog-headed people armed with apple tree branches. In the foreground, and ape-person with a golden crown presents a roundel containing a grasshopper drinking a milkshake. 2: Text: 'Pon the decaying ground.' A city beside the sea. 3: A naked woman holding a sword emerges from the sea. 4: A goose-creature on the woman's shoulder pecks at the sword. 5: The woman, now in armour, cuts a fried egg in half. It goes 'SMUSH!'

A page of comic panels. 1: Atop a ruined clock tower squats a strange red fellow with four hands. 2: Close-up of the red fellow's hands. They are rolling dice. 'A roll! A roll!' they say, 'good luck.' 3: The dice are rolled. A kettle with legs drizzles them with water. 4: 'It'll be a 6 for sure,' says the kettle. 5: The dice turn up double ones. 'Oh no!' says the kettle.

I coloured my... err... comic-thing, VRBIS MEAE (My City). The original black-and-white is here.

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