   └oct 2021

October, Libra to Scorpio by the Tropical Zodiac

Posts from October 2021

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-- Sun, 31 Oct 2021 01:05 --

Partially coloured sketch of a feminine person in a skull t-shirt, to their right is a large and suspicious black cat.

-- Fri, 29 Oct 2021 18:07 --

Following from my previous post about building a gallery-ish place in Second Life, things are going okay! I think...

I have some paintings on the walls, they are spotlit (with Advanced Lighting!) and there's a nice carpet. For now I have curtained off the back room while I decide what to put in there. There is some seating outside now too, though because the building is squashed right up against the edge of my land (in order to be as close to the road as can be), there isn't very much space out the front.

The painting frames are very simple and I can make them pretty quickly. They are made from primitive shapes--Prims--available to build with in-world, thus I can avoid having to upload 3D meshes from Blender to the grid (with the exception of the green and pink owls in the window).

-- Fri, 29 Oct 2021 13:33 --

A page of back and white illustrations of fanciful garden pagodas and follies.

Belanger's garden fabriques at Bagatelle, in J. Ch. Krafft, Recueil d'architecture civile, contenant les plans, coupes et élévations des châteaux, maisons de campagne, et habitations rurales, jardins anglais, temples, chaumières, kiosques, ponts, etc, situés aux environs de Paris et dans les départemens voisins, Paris: Imprimerie de Crapelet, 1812, plates 119-120.

-- Tue, 26 Oct 2021 14:07 --

A person receives a train ticket.

A train ticket. On it is printed 'SINGLE' from Torte to Rimwood, valid via any route, self service, buffet service maybe available.

A fictional train network map. There are many stations, roughly arrayed around a diamond shape.

Updated train network map.

-- Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:33 --

A person in a red and green bird mask, holding a disembodied Neo-Classical sculpture head, does a peace sign next to a street sign, printed and shaped as a pirate. The sign reads: 'Ar! Grab a Pirate! Jug! Twenty-four-seven only here on Torte waterfront.'

Grab a PIRATE! jug! 24/7 only here on Torte waterfront.

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